... kind of messed up on: Mentalfocus and stamina not to mention ... minutes since hydration helps with mental clarity (ironically). Does anyone have ...
Felt good about everything except the 26 question LR (completely lost mentalfocus and don't feel certain about the last several questions). Nonetheless, I'd say a -10 or -11 seems pretty likely (but definitely hoping for a -13)!
I never did 5 sections once and it felt fine on test day. I think your mentalfocus and adrenaline levels are gonna be up that day that the 5 section test feels like 1 hour. Ur also gonna make ur BLind Review that much longer
The lsat requires alot of mentalfocus, for me I do best first thing in the morning with a refreshed brain. I am also not a morning person but still its best imo.