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Ideal Time of LSAT Flex?

coopermbcoopermb Member
edited March 2021 in April 2021 LSAT 13 karma

Hi! I'm taking the LSAT in April, and I'm trying to think ahead to what day/time of day I'll want to take the test when it comes time to sign up. Does anyone have any advice/recommendations? I've read before that it's better to take exams in the morning, but I'm also not a morning person so I'm not sure that's what will be best for me. Would love to hear about other people's experiences with the flex! :)

Edit: I guess it would help if I actually had a typical time of day that I take PTs


  • sammychewssammychews Member
    210 karma

    I'm in the same boat, I'm not a morning person either!

    I think keeping it as close to your usual study schedule is always a good bet. For example, if you're taking your practice tests in the afternoon, sign up to take the real thing in the afternoon so you can keep your routine as close to what you're used to. I usually start studying around 10/11am so I think I'm going to try to sign up for a test around noon/1pm if that's an option.

    But I also heard that it's better to test earlier in the morning, for biological reasons and also you get it over with! Hope this kinda helps & good luck!! We're almost there!

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma

    Hello @coopermb ,
    the best time to take the exam would to be on the day and time that you have been taking your PTs, if the day and time is not available then I would next try and prioritize the time of day when looking to take the exam.

  • IngridOakleyIngridOakley Core Member
    21 karma

    I agree with the other commenters here; it's highly subjective to when you're most awake and at your best! But also...I've been anxiously waiting/in the dark about when/how we sign up for our time slots? Should I start another thread for that question?

  • Destiny_LBDestiny_LB Alum Member
    130 karma

    @IngridOakley LSAC will email us when it's time to sign up. The directions for picking your slot are really clear and the process is pretty straightforward. They usually email about 2-2 and half weeks out.

  • Cynthia-2Cynthia-2 Member
    498 karma

    The lsat requires alot of mental focus, for me I do best first thing in the morning with a refreshed brain. I am also not a morning person but still its best imo.

  • TimeIsMoneyTimeIsMoney Member
    495 karma

    This may sound really strange but try and take it at the same time of day that you typically study. A lot of people have said this helps because your brain is in that LSAT routine. Who knows if it's true. I took mine in the morning and i typically studied in the morning as well. Try and do around 8:30-9:30 to give your brain time to wake up. Either way, best of luck!

  • cali_girl96cali_girl96 Alum Member
    39 karma

    I'd want to do 1pm too if thats an option because 8am has been been rough for me. I've been taking PTs for a while at that time (8am) and even 10am works better for me. I hope they have something later!

  • clouds930clouds930 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    Curious, is there an evening slot for the night owls?

  • vallezacastrovallezacastro Member
    18 karma

    Although I completely understand the question, I took the LSAT Flex in February at 4:30 pm, after having an amazing relaxed day the day before, a nice meal healthy to fuel me before the test, and was in the most comfortable office provided to me by one of the partners the results were horrible for me. Let me help all of you by sharing my experience with the test and that is regardless of what time you take the LSAT-Flex, it's not going to matter if you don't breath LSAT. I urge you more to study for this like the hobby you love to do the most. As of now I am studying 6 hours a day, broken up into 2 hour blocks. Find a study schedule that works for you, and I will hope that regardless of what time you choose to take the test you are so well prepared that it just doesn't matter.

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