Hey guys. I think I had a two author/dual passage RC prompt about consciousness/mental awareness? The first passage was very monologue-esque (Hamlet - to be or not to be?) and informal. Was this one part of the real or experimental RC?
I think you should try to learn how to be able to switch between problem types, and remember how to work through the SA questions after having done a series of other question types. It's a different kind of mental work that you need to harness.
I never did 5 sections once and it felt fine on test day. I think your mental focus and adrenaline levels are gonna be up that day that the 5 section test feels like 1 hour. Ur also gonna make ur BLind Review that much longer
Yeah, you should pursue discovering the cause of that lack of focus. Try to maintain the active reading all the way through the test (stamina training, mostly). You'll do great, it's up from here!