... don’t understand where this rule ” For conditionals, A and B ... /how to use this new rule in context with a question ... on the LSAT. Is the rule just referring to when you ... it, is by using that rule. Like I don't see ...
For the life of me, I cannot understand the level 5 difficulty questions for PSA. I can get the lower and medium difficulty questions correct, but it seems like the higher difficulty just isn't clicking. Does anyone have any tips or ...
... recognize anything then apply each rule one by one. After you ... if you've exhausted every rule the rest are simply free ... />
If your getting the rule replacement questions on the recent ...
... might see in other given rule that C - D - A. Now ... you know that for this rule to hold, you can't ... or after D; and another rule that B - C. Now you ...
One more question, as to the game you created, my first reaction is to get rid of B, because B hates two others; In fact, I always tend to get rid of the one that contradicts the most number of others. Could that be a rule of thumb?
O1-O2-R1-R2 is possible, but that is not the rule. The correct order (if this is the only rule) could be O1-R1-R2-O2. If you wrote down O1-O2-R1-R2, you could miss a possible correct answer.