... , I notice that I a) misread often (mistake a 'some' for ... to the stimulus or game rules in an almost paranoid way ... of memorizing all the game rules before beginning. If anyone has ...
... nightmares. I literally misread not one, TWO game rules leading me to ... doing Pts I have occasionally misread game rules and bombed games. That ... literally interpreted one of the rules to be you have to ...
... suggest ALWAYS double checking your rules on each game. I ... up. You will never misread a rule and go into ... second read of the rules, you will make more ... Usually I jot down the rules, making inferences as I ... then double check the rules against my first written ...
Hint: I'm not mentioning any names, but it rhymes with circle game. And I freaked out and got flustered and misread one of the only THREE rules like literally at least 12 times.
... 2nd to last question you misread a rule, finish the last ... game, on one of the rules I read it as consecutive ... you know that you can misread a rule & still get ...