... read the book "Tomorrow's Lawyers"?
http://www.amazon.com ... /Tomorrows-Lawyers-Introduction-Your-Future/dp/019966806X ... is that most well-paid lawyers currently only provide technical services ...
... was at. However in-house lawyers are usually required 3-5 ... . The network at Stanford is national, while Cardozo is primarily NY ... are going to generally have national networks.
... cities. Are you taking the national average for non-big law ... the salary distribution fof lawyers from the National Association for Law Placement ...
... cities. Are you taking the national average for non-big law ... the salary distribution fof lawyers from the National Association for Law Placement ...
... lol. Having worked closely with lawyers, judges, etc. has in fact ... become a volunteer with the National CASA (court appointed special advocate ...
... site: https://flsc.ca/national-committee-on-accreditation-nca/< ... these: https://flsc.ca/national-committee-on-accreditation-nca/ ...
https://flsc.ca/national-committee-on-accreditation-nca/faqs ... percentage of foriegn educated lawyers working for big law ...
I do not understand the difference between answer choice C and D. How do you suggest that I decipher between two choices that are so close. I tried to incorporate them into the passage and incorrectly thought that D was a winner.