... moved back to my home city, bought a home, and was ... small law school in the city, not a great one, but ... a school located in my city. I'm gonna pass the ... to move to Boston or New Haven. Pretentiousness has never been ...
... in 2011, within this particular area. Let's call this ... be that people within this area completely stopped using/consuming the ... people in this area discovered or reached all new amounts of the ... in 2011, within this particular area: 100,000 barrels **_yet_** ( ...
... 't pay taxes in the city shouldn't be able to ... would be harmful to the city/people. Just because tax-exempt ... demonstrate any harm to the city/people. How people feel about ... an expert in this specific area.
... 't pay taxes in the city shouldn't be able to ... would be harmful to the city/people. Just because tax-exempt ... demonstrate any harm to the city/people. How people feel about ... an expert in this specific area.
... that AC C brings a new premise into the mix. I ... as it mentioned "exempt from city taxes," but the second part ... the AC brings in a new premise. I didn't realize ...
... of the sentence ("and all city councillors agree...services"), you'd ... that taxpayers should benefit from city-run services, they also think ... for disadvantaged people to use city services, it would at the ... so much as an entirely new premise, but as an assumption ...
... 1970 there's been a new record set for number of ... crime**_.
City official: The city's population has risen ... by offering those statistics, the city official is suggesting that the ... number sufficient to serve the city, and the murder rate has ...
I heard a bit back that the new tests give all takers 2 pages for each LG & I just confirmed it. Yay for more space to diagram! Just thought I would throw that out there in case it's news to some. Keep studying hard everyone! :)
... 't replace it with a new rule that allows for a ... you can't have a new rule that is a subset ... for more possibilities than the new rule. That wouldn't be ...
I have been frustrating all day to get on 7sage today. Finally after redirected 7sage to new IP address, I succeed!!!
Today I learn a big lesson that 7sage is so precious and We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
Love 7sage!