Which schools require 12 pt fonts for personal statements? In my manual search, I haven't seen any so far. All seem to be okay with 11-pt font (Times New Roman).
... post: [Six Law School Personal Statements That Got Into Harvard](https ... .com/six-law-school-personal-statements-that-got-into-harvard/). statements by people with writerly super ...
... the fact that broadsides had statements about morals, it doesn't ... reasons unrelated to those moralizing statements. This is the loophole in ... nothing about what the remaining non-well-educated people think about ...
... a target, and received a conditional scholarship from a safety school ... anyone have any experience with conditional scholarships like this one? I ...
So I been getting like low 160s the past few tests and everything is good but when I get up to a more difficult conditional LR question, I completely struggle. How do I get better at these? I tried drilling but that didn't really help that much.
So I'm trying to sign up for a ProctorU account from a non-U.S. institution, and my institution isn't listed. What do you do in this case? I've sent an email to LSAC but I was wondering if anyone here knows. Thanks!
Does anyone want to exchange personal statements? I've signed up for the Oct & Nov LSAT, and I am planning to send out my application once scores come out. Message/comment down your email :)