... match extra time for accommodated testing on the real LSAT since ... been approved extra time in November 2019 LSAT. I noticed that ... to match my approved accommodated testing time. The digital LSAT for ...
... began my LSAT studies in November 2016. I received a 139 ... would count in a different testing cycle and wouldn't count ... 3 takes in a single testing year (so theoretically I could ...
... All-- I was wondering if November was too late to apply ... so I did terribly. Would November (which means scores/application in ... lower if I applied with November scores.
Hey guys! If y'all are taking the Nov LSAT, and want to be in a GroupMe with other people who are also taking the LSAT in November, DM me your number! Our main focus will be Blind Reviewing practice tests. We can all help each other out :)
I live in providence, i searched for locations as far as boston...and they were all full!!! When and how will i know where my testing center is??? I literally live 5 mins from a testing location and its FULL. HELP!!!
... around June and was originally testing at 144. I started the ... my September test date to November. Any chance of getting to ... 160 area by November? any recommendations on which program ...
... also have a seat for november. Can someone please tell me ... maximize my time before the november admin to break 170 on ... real thing? I have been testing twice a week for months ... go to Fordham. Is the november test too late to apply ...
Hello to everyone taking the November LSAT next week and I wanted to wish you good luck and tell you that we freaking GOT THIS IN THE BAG. We're gonna kill it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
November will hopefully be my last ... the excellent content of this site and the brilliant, dynamic support ... adventure. To those taking the November exam: may the logic come ...
Curious if November LSAT takers are taking it to apply this year or next year? Always curious because if its next year wouldnt you have plenty of time to keep studying and taking the LSAT early spring? If this year, then of course its the right move