... of time debating the answer choices. The method above is faster. answer choices matched. When this happens ... with getting stuck with two answer choices in flaw questions ... you are stuck between two answer choices, and they equally match ...
... on to your point 2 above. This happens sometimes with over ... is write an attractive trap answer that looks like it's ... is the right but subtle answer.
... go hunting for the right answer choice. For some other ... to anticipate the right answer choice and keep in ... possible to have some answer choices that are seem ... you can find an answer choice that shows the ... Sages who explains the above method in much more ...
we can safely ... share of population would increase. Answer choice A make it less ... is not valid even with answer choice A, and the question ... . Hopefully other people will explain answer choice A in a simpler ...
... , will support the argument above? (so the answer choice will help the ... stimulus/argument above) This is an ... supported by the argument/stimulus above? This is an example of ...
... a necessary assumption question. The answer will be one that, if ... , would invalidate the argument. The answer choice may or may not ... />
As you can see, the above would invalidate the argument. If ... muscles in the spine. The above absolutely HAS TO BE the ...
... apply it to the answer choice whenever you are ... />
For instance, the answer choice you mentioned (There are ... therefore, you can negate this answer choice by negating the quantity ... answer choice that defies those rules of thumb I just described above ...
... this wasn't a clear answer but I don't think ... such an answer exists. I hope this was ... also was looking for an answer to this question not so ... . I realized the way described above works great!
... like trying to approach the above question without conditional logic: some ... a problem like the one above should take no more than ... rigorous checking of the other answer choices. For me, it doesn ... in my mind before I answer a necessary assumption.
< ...
... C/D/E, wrong answer choice does the same ... in effect..." this pushes above the time limit that we ... such, if you push above the time frame, then effectively ... we turn to answer choice B. This answer choice is a ... do note that the answer choice is confined with its ...
That's what answer choice "D" exploits. The improved ... in my stimulus above). If this was an NA answer choice, it ... of assumption here. A correct answer choice could say "she ... whatever version of the correct answer choice the LSAT writers throw ...
... times when this seemingly wrong answer choice is actually the ... clearly justify why each wrong answer choice is wrong.)
... of mentally go through the above process is because you ... yourself. Sometimes knowing the correct answer will bias you into " ...
... and then going through every answer choice writing down a reason ... support and to choose an answer choice that weakens the reasoning ... />
D is the correct answer because it weakens (in this ... your own thinking. The strategy above is just one, albeit pain ...