... some of the more difficult parallelreasoning/parallel flaw questions that lend themselves ... to being diagrammed (some parallel questions are weird and don ... Q25 is a fairly difficult parallelreasoning question, and while doing the ...
For parallelreasoning and parallel flaw it means that you' ... />
So, obviously, C has our parallel form (P -> G; affirm ... answer choices! AND, if the reasoning is valid or invalid. Hope ...
... could come in play with parallelreasoning/parallel flaw questions. In those ... the stimulus pretty tight; reasoning pattern, language, structure etc ... two but matches the reasoning pattern. I can't ... the following _most_ parallel the pattern of reasoning, so there ...
I spent a lot of time on my formal logic so I didn't really need to diagram on paper. If I did diagram, it would be on a tough parallelreasoning or MBT question. Probably 1 or 2 questions per test?