Could use some fresh eyes on my personalstatement draft. If anyone wants to swap for feedback let me know. I've hit some serious writing road blacks and I want it to be finished already!
I would highly appreciate it if someone was willing to read my personalstatement and give feedback. I'm kind of lost as to what exactly I should focus on.
So I had a personalstatement and after going over it with one of my professors I decided to bascially change directions and right a new one. Would anyone be able to read it and offer any feedback on grammar, flow, etc?
Would any one like to review my personalstatement? I wrote this statement a year ago and would like to keep most of it the same but I am open to suggestions. Thanks!
... community about exchanging personal statements for the Yale PersonalStatement Essay. I am ... but want to complete my personal statements in a timely manner ...
I am in a confusing position: I haven't taken the LSAT yet so I don't have a score. How do I know what personalstatement to write if I have no clue what school I will apply to? Thanks in advance.
... experience shaped me"{for the personalstatement), and "What this experience will ... the school or classroom" (diversity statement). Or should I combine the ...
... am currently working on my personalstatement and diversity statements and I ... . If anyone has any positive personal experience with a specific tutor ...
Hi! I have an early decision deadline coming up pretty soon and am trying to get as much feedback on my personalstatement as possible. Would love to help out anyone who would also like feedback on their PS! Message me and we can swap! :)
... of questions for brainstorming a personalstatement. Essentially, it was what the ... they suggested I make a personalstatement around these things. This seems ... students shouldn't make their personal statements the "tragedy Olympics" so ...
Hi! I am planning to apply to schools in early November. I have a draft personalstatement and would love some feedback. I am more than happy to return the favor. Comment below and I'll send you a message :)
I have an idea for a personalstatement structure. I want to introduce 3 events that all taught me the importance of a single virtue. Would it be a bad move to have 3 paragraphs talking on 3 different events?