... the 50s. But throughout the 60s, 70s, and 80s, I consistently ... 9-11 questions wrong. This plateau has started since September 2018 ... smart enough to overcome this plateau...I studied full time for ...
Hey everyone! I'm currently stilling taking PT in the 60s right now, but was wondering if there really is a big difference in difficulty for PTs in the 60s vs those in the 80s? As in will get it harder as you start practicing the more recent ones?
I've been practice testing in the 155-157 range for a couple of weeks now and my goal score is mid 160's for November. Any tips you guys can share would be greatly appreciated .
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A large part of the plateau was also due to isolated ... mostly in the low to mid 170s. But I would have ... , I was mostly in the mid to high 170s (usually around ... , ultimately, if you want a mid-high 170, it's a ...