Great improvement and am confident you can improve even more. Maybe the post-CC webinar and other webinars can help and am interested in the advice of other students. Keep up the good work!
... curriculum and Sage advice for post-cc (links below). Reevaluate your situation ... />
60% is less than two-thirds of the way through the CC, then there's a post-CC process that occurs as we finish the CC, then finally PTs along with post-CC exercises. Don't give up, don't rush into PTs, and trust the process. We're here for you.
... Really dig into the CC and focus on understanding ... timing suggestions within the CC. Soak in the knowledge ... are finished with the CC, PT only when you think ... needed remediation. Once a PT exposed an area of ... . Only after that would I PT again.
I’m still in the drilling to solidify the fundamentals phase—postCC. Will be spring times sections in a few weeks and will definitely apply everything you’re suggesting above!
Maybe the Post-CC webinar can help. Don't worry about this too much. Just learn from what went wrong on the take and use the forums to help. It's going to be OK.
Lesson from CC on foolproofing: ... the recommended drills in this Post-CC Strategies webinar by @"Cant Get ... Right":
Also, is there a way to build a completion circle--like we have for the CC and PTs--for post-CC review? It's so fun to be able to check off the boxes and get completion points, but I understand if it isn't possible.
well i went from 156 postCC to mid 160s consistently in a few months so its definitley possible. That was postCC too, before CC i was probably like mid 140s