It was back during the winter I believe. They basically made it highly impractical and nearly impossible to use sells PDFs.
Here's a brief synopsis:
They're Wed/Fri/Sat... Friday is for newer PTs, Wed/Sat are working in order and we just did 52 so this Sat will be 53 and next Wed will be 54... I think this Fri is 70 IIRC?
@nicole.hopkins Haha no I definitely do! Right now, I'm only doing one preptest per week, so I'm doing 54 this weekend, but I'll catch you guys in the 60s!
Not to mention you guys stay up way too late for me :)
If the Trainer schedule involves using individual questions from PT's 52-71, I would IMO avoid that. PT's 52-71should be the bulk of your full PTing as they are the "modern" LSAT as far as format goes.
If its the same schedule I am using, 52-57 are used for drilling sets, 58-60 are used for timed sections, and 61-74 are strictly full tests. Is this any better?
Someone mentioned in another thread that 52-57 are used for drilling sets, 58-60 are used for timed sections, and 61-74 are strictly full tests. I've also read 64-71 are full tests so I'm not certain which is accurate.