... test book itself. Typically, the proctor instructs you to remove this ... we had any questions, the proctor immediately said "begin", forgetting to ...
Use wooden pencils! I usually study in a quiet room, but I've heard many 170++ people advise studying in a busy place, as you get better, so you can get used to distractions!
... are allowed depending on the proctor. I've read testimonies on ... various forums that claim their proctor allowed them to use earplugs ... others claimed the opposite. My proctor did not allow them, despite ...
I am getting dropped off so I won't have my phone, which is why I was hoping to know when to be picked up. How strict are they about phones? Will they let me put my turned off phone up by the proctor or something?
I'm relieved it's over but I'm pretty sure I scored poorly. I had a proctor standing over my desk the entire test and I am not exaggerating. I am not trying to use it as an excuse but DAMN!!! IS THAT REALLY NECESSARY??????
* iOS App - The proctor pauses when it is interrupted by a phone call, alarm, Siri, etc, and you can press "Continue" to continue where you left off after you finish handling the interruption.
Yes, also if you download the 7Sage app you can use the proctor when you're taking a PT and you can adjust it so that you have background and/or distraction noise.