... apart. Making such an assumption does not, however, ... assumption closes up only a small part of that gap. Sufficientassumption ... : An assumption that, if made, ... . This type of assumption is not necessarily a ...
True, but an important caveat: A sufficientassumption can address the gap by overshooting the mark, that is, it assumes more than what is need to cover the gap. Kinda like killing a bug with a nuclear bomb.
... />
What's sufficient? Well, the conjunction of ... premises together would be sufficient to restore the ... />
So, what is a sufficientassumption? Well, the conjunction of every ... />
What about sufficient assumptions? This is any statement ...
... also write SA next to sufficientassumption questions. I do this just ... moment I may mistake a sufficientassumption for a necessary, or a ... necessary for a sufficient, and having that mark there ...
... was reversed as a necessary assumption answer choice? The reason I ... a clear gap in necessary assumption questions, the correct answer is ... (which can also be a sufficientassumption at the same time). However ...
... reversed as a necessary assumption answer choice? The reason ... clear gap in necessary assumption questions, the correct answer ... which can also be a sufficientassumption at the same time). ... So a necessary assumption can be a sufficientassumption and vice versa ...
I've also done it and still do. I've woken up sleep walking before looking through my desk searching for the sufficientassumption. Took me a bit to realize I was dreaming and remember its a concept, not a tangible item.
... stem indicates that is a sufficientassumption. Let's look at ... the answer choice should reflect sufficient. Key words like sufficient assumption. This answer choice doesn ... that it is a sufficientassumption. It talks about in ...
... ;
> JY explained that sufficientassumption questions are something like: assumption question.
> Obviously, A ... " kind of questions both sufficientassumption and necessary assumption questions at the same ...
It's a sufficientassumption questions stem. The "if assumed" ... held vacuum cleaner would be sufficient for me?
The ... this crate would probably be sufficient for you.
... pets in general. But in sufficientassumption questions we have to fix ...