So I printed my ticket today and I have to that it looks bad. You can tell that it is me but an inch of my chin is missing and small part of the crown of my head is as well. I wish I could post a picture on here so I could get some advice
... blind review a full PT? 2. If over 2.5 hours per ... , it only takes me about 2.5 hours per section (approximately ... per section (=30 hours per PT), which prompted this post on ...
I've spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out this question but it seems I've hit a wall. I was able to eliminate (A) and (D) quickly but had a hard time understanding what the "youngest" "oldest" phrases were referring to. I ...
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this question. I originally chose (C) thinking that it would close the gap between premises and conclusion, but realize now that it doesn't address the issue of cost. Can someone please provide a number example and ...
... will do ). I took a PT before 7sage- scored in the ... vast increase on my second PT. Not the case. Wondering if ... I need to take more PT's. I understand the concepts ... a matter of taking more PT ? 2- should I prep for ...
... type: full LG section from PT 1 today, revisit tomorrow, revisit ... week; full LG section from PT2 today, revisit tomorrow, revisit next ... help me clearly organize the PT's that I'm doing ...
So on this question I was stuck between C and D (because each of these answer choices only talked about one of the two things: beetles or plants, but not how they compared to one another). However, the right answer happened to be E ( ...
I'm confused what the passage is actually saying here, and while I can vaguely see why AC E is the correct answer choice, I'm wondering if someone could explain what the LR passage is saying. Is the passage suggesting that the fossil record tells us ...
Hi! I don't really understand why B is wrong even after reading numerous explanations. If areas subject to **more fires** (which is true when the level of rainfall drops below normal for an extended period of time like in a drought) tend to be **less ...
I need help with trying to answer the questions that ask something along the lines of "Which of following could substitute the condition (insert rule here)"? I don't know how to approach these at all.