... blind review a full PT? 2. If over 2.5 hours per ... , it only takes me about 2.5 hours per section (approximately ... per section (=30 hours per PT), which prompted this post on ...
Hey, yall! Would you say that AC B equals ambiguity? Sometimes I get equivocation and ambiguity mixed up but I eliminated equivocation here because "tax" isn't used differently throughout the passages. B basically says the author extended the meaning of ...
So I didn't do so well on this game because I played the children multiple times because it didn't say that they had to be played exactly once, so should we assume that they need to be played at least once unless stated otherwise? Thank you!!!
... will do ). I took a PT before 7sage- scored in the ... vast increase on my second PT. Not the case. Wondering if ... I need to take more PT's. I understand the concepts ... a matter of taking more PT ? 2- should I prep for ...
... type: full LG section from PT 1 today, revisit tomorrow, revisit ... week; full LG section from PT2 today, revisit tomorrow, revisit next ... help me clearly organize the PT's that I'm doing ...
I am confused about the word “generally” in the conclusion.
**To Recap The argument form in Lawgic:**
**P1**: Emotional Tendencies /(Changed)
**Required Premise**: Emotional Tendencies /(Changed)-> Generally /(Able to choose ...
I need help with trying to answer the questions that ask something along the lines of "Which of following could substitute the condition (insert rule here)"? I don't know how to approach these at all.
The question itself is rather easy - (D) is pretty clearly something the argument is assuming, and necessarily so. Negating it makes a mockery of the argument.
However, I did spend quite a bit of time on this one, because I've always ...