Can anyone help me with these types of questions? It is consistently one of these types that is the only LR question I get wrong, and I haven't been able to find a system to ...
While the right answer choice is very clear to me, it would be great if someone coule help me to clarify the reasoning structure for both the stimulus and answer choice (B)?
< ...
I chose E instead of A, and still don't see why A could support the argument better. Can anybody explain that to me? Thanks.
I thought this one was worth discussing. I feel as if the diction really invites you to botch the set up. I know for the politician's statement I diagrammed that as SK --> /D (Save Koala, stop deforestation). My initial logic when I see a word like ...
When writing out the conditional logic for the reporter, I initially got /C--> /M but when I went back to review I got C---> M. In other words, because of the if I kept ...
So the correct answer is A. I'm really confused by the answer choices and the stimulus.
When I read it, I initially thought this is an extreme example that uses examples within examples because the whole point of the example is that people ...
Hi guys, I have a question about and/or in this Q. Example the first sentence is A gift is not generous, unless benefits recipient & is worth more than expected
So when I apply the unless translation do I change the AND to an OR no ...
So I chose answer choice A because author Q simply states, " ought to have been effective, but he has not been" the author is just saying that he's been ineffective but doesn't offer up any evidence as to why he is ineffective. Can someone explain to me ...
I understand that answer choice D is correct, but I have been struggling for quite a bit on eliminating answer choice B. Can anyone explain why this is incorrect?
When I was doing this question, I noticed two errors in ...
Flaw Question-- calling all folks who are a beast at LR:) HELP?
I understand that the answer is C but I want to make sure that I'm breaking down the argument correctly:
*Best way to understand --> Direct Empathy (that's what some ...
This was a difficult question about dinosaurs, fossil evidence and their argued relationship with reptiles. Many users chose AC D) but E) is correct. I can't seen to figure out what the "two present-day" phenomena are, can anyone help a gal out? THANK YOU ...
Can someone explain why this answer is not D. And confirm the conclusion please. Is there a different way to explain this other than what was explained several years back. Thank you
Admin note: edited title; please use the format of "PT#.S ...
This was a very difficult question. I found myself stuck between A and B, and I still don't understand how one is supposed to deduce that the correct answer here was B.
I need help with trying to answer the questions that ask something along the lines of "Which of following could substitute the condition (insert rule here)"? I don't know how to approach these at all.
I really struggle with identifying circular reasoning. The definition of circular reasoning is when the premise and conclusion are the same thing, and the author does not provide any other premises to support their conclusion. So, an example would be, " ...