I came across a puzzling question while I was answering this reading comprehension question. Just to be clear, my question is more a question on formal logic than that of reading comprehension. I was wondering if the following two ...
PSA are just not clicking for me and I feel very uncomfortable answering them even when I get them right. I'm drilling them this afternoon and I had some trouble with this question. Any tips on PSA in general would be great as well as input on this ...
I diagramed the stimulus as follow:
Conflicting behavior organization --> More pain and distress
Conflicting behavior organization --> Animals resist --> Less efficient
My question is I don't understand why ( ...
would it be a good way to think alternative to JY's explanation that answer choice B is wrong merely in having few as the existential indicator rather than a universal ...
7Sagers! Our very own Amy Bonnaffons (@amycbon) wrote a short story that's going to be on *This American Life* **this weekend!** Listen to it and be amazed! She is incredible.
This MBT question really threw me for a loop because of the bi-conditional. In this particular question I think it is the "unique, whenever" that indicates that it is a bi-conditional. I am aware of these 4 indicators from the core curriculum:
Ok, so I got this MBT question wrong. I initially was going to go with AC D (the right choice) but was turned off from the second part of the answer. The whole thing reads:
"More money is spent on microwave food products that take three ...
This question is a “similar reasoning question”. It says “ the higher the altitude, the thinner the air. Since Mexico City’s altitude is higher than that of Panama City, the air must be thinner in Mexico City than in Panama City.” I have looked at the ...
I am confused as to why answer c is a better answer choice than a. They seem very similar, but is the answer c because there are a range of numbers opposed to using the same number (2) in answer choice a, or is there something bigger that I am missing?
Correct answers in MSS questions are almost always one of two types: restatement of an idea from the stimulus or the conclusion of the stimulus (which was left unsaid in the stimulus).