Hi everyone! For this question, I understand how answer choice B wrecks the argument, making it a solid necessary assumption. It was my original answer choice, but I thought I was being tricked at the back end of the test because it seemed like a ...
I have a question for answer choice A for the second question on "mental contortions." Although I got this question correct, I was really hesitant on marking A the right answer due to the word "beforehand." In the context of the passage, it states that " ...
I'm having trouble negating and translating the first sentence of this question. How am I supposed to negate a sentence with two group four indicators?
If you watched the video explanation for this question, could you please help me understand what exactly is it saying? I watch it at least 15 times and I am still puzzled by it. Read all the related posting, still no help.
This was obviously a tough question, and after hours of tearing out my hair, I understand where the flaw is and why answer choice E is correct. Yet, there is still one component I am confused about.
Someone help me out here? I have a vague understanding of why C is the right answer, though I naively selected A. Best explanation I could come up with is that there will always be not obese kids being born into the population, regardless of the percentage ...
I think I understand why B is right, since middle ear infections are not defined as being bacterial infections in the stimulus. Probably just assumed this on my first read, which led me to pick A or D. I can't remember. I've drilled this question at least ...
Got this one right by POE but had a tough time being OK with A. It is definitely something I considered as a flaw in the reasoning. However, the use of "the identity of the practical joker" in the stimulus (which we accept as true and cannot contradict) ...
I had a hard time understanding why (A) is the right answer. After thinking about it for a day on and off, I came up with this reasoning. Please take a look if my logic behind getting the right answer is correct.
Hey, guys. I think I got this one but I'm seeking clarification. I was between A, B and C and chose A. I think C is correct because a "property owner" is defined in lines 15-21 and A and B are incorrect because they describe how one can obtain ownership. A ...
I do not understand why, "'it is never acceptable to offer experimental treatments to patients who experience no extreme symptoms of the the relevant disease" is translated as no extreme symptoms (NES) -----> not acceptable to offer exp. treatment (/ ...
I have done this passage 3 times and have gotten 4 wrong every time. I was just wondering if anyone else has done this passage and has found the questions to just be too hard. I normally go -3 to -5 but dang I don't even know what happened here...
Can someone please confirm that I have this chain correct? I became confused with the "cannot" in the first premise. Now I'm presuming "cannot" is modifying the sufficient clause since this premise includes "unless." Please correct me if I'm wrong. I was ...
This question is strange -- the correct answer is not properly inferrable.
Many child psychologists believe that the childrearing practice leads to lower self-esteem in children, which leads to those children having less confidence as adults ...
When I first began my LSAT studying journey, I found flaw questions to be very straight forward. They have unfortunately turned into a question where I often find myself second guessing on my AC ...
PT 77, Section 2, #18 Answer Choices C and D. Does "fails to exclude" mean the same thing more or less as "fails to consider"?
I thought "fails to exclude" was incorrect because the author doesn't need to exclude it, he just failed to consider it. ...