Can anyone explain why B is right here?
It seems, when watching JY's explanation, that the reason why B is right is because it provides an explanation for the phenomena-- perhaps the other dinosaur was a baby, and that is why it ...
Why is A incorrect? Wouldn't this reinforce that connection between exposure to germs and a higher number of family members as being the reason why the kids have lower incidence of allergies?
This question took me a while to understand why A was not the answer. Anson concludes that Dr. Ladlow isn't a responsible psychologist. The question stem asks: "Anson bases his conclusion about Dr. Ladlow based on which of the ...
I liked B and D as answer choices. Why is D irrelevant? I've read online explanations that stated it isn't relevant whether or not the dinosaur found was related to the T-rex, but why is that? If the recently discovered dino was related to T.rex, wouldn't ...
How is D the answer? Why could genetics not be a possible way to determine schizophrenia in the future? - I selected C, but now see why that wasn't right, but not why D is the correct AC... #Help
Generally feel like these types of questions should be easy points, but the translations into lawgic tend to get me crossed-up here. Can someone provide a solid explanation for the ACs? Thanks in advance.
I thought I had a good handle on quantifiers until now lol I can't understand how C and D in structure are different, so I was stuck between the two. Help would be appreciated on this question.
Anybody wants to shed some light on the LAWGIC aspect of this question?
Apparently, according to PowerScore explanation, the stimulus is a bi-conditional relationship because of the phrase "**if** it satisfies two **requirements**".
This is a weakening question and I was so lost. I ended up picking an answer choice that I was 90% certain was wrong just to be sure my eyes would go straight to this problem in my review
Why would they need to increase their safeguards if they have the greatest safeguards out there. That would mean they can’t improve and so it would weaken ...
Can someone explain to me why Answer choice A is the correct answer for PT 84 Game 4 Question 22 and Answer choice C is the correct answer for PT 84 Game 4 Question 23? Thank you.
Is D correct because identical twins have the same genetic information? Is this just something we are supposed to know or is the answer warranted by the passage?
D must be false because stimulus says that brains of identical twins are genetically identical and its the differences in brain from which we can tell if a twin is Schizo
Can someone help with analyzing the stimulus?
I am having difficult time identifying the conclusion.
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question”**
According to your explanation video, the tutor said the cause here is 'technologically superior' and the effect is 'lower infant mortality' but i still can't understand why.
What I thought is the reversed version of that. ...