I understand the reasoning in the video, that just because X is preceded by Y, it doesn’t mean that Y is the necessary condition.
Hey, could someone help explain why E is the correct answer choice? I understand why others are incorrect.
I don't really understand answer choice A) if there is no overwhelming evidence for or against a hypo. then one should "suspend judgment as to its truth". What does it mean by "as to its truth"? Anyone could help?
My issue is in the the stimulus finding the conclusion. Can Someone please help?
**Admin note: edited title; please use the format of "PT#.S#.Q# - [brief description]"** ...
I was stuck between C and E for this question and chose the latter because the stimulus seemed to be more focused on extraterrestrial life. E can also be an actual reason for why we wouldn't know about life outside of Earth. How would you know to choose C ...
Can someone help me understand this logic? Why is D the right answer?
The theory of military deterrence was based on a simple psychological truth, that fear of retaliation makes a would-be aggressor nation hesitate before attacking and is ...