Hey guys, I had a difficult time eliminating answer choice C on this one. I do understand why A is correct but I can't 100% eliminate C. Explanations I've come across indicate that C just restates what was already stated in the premises, but I still see ...
I was stuck between B and C, and ultimately ended up going with C. I immediately crossed out D because I didn't think it was relevant. Would really appreciate someone's insight.
I do not even know where to begin with the ACs.
I understand the stimulus as a theater recently closed because the owner claimed that it could not regularly sustain an audience. Then a week prior to the closure, massive profit resulted.
None ...
Personal Injury (PI) or personal damage exceeding 500 (PD>500)------> LR (legally required to report accident)
"Unless the driver is incapable"- Capable-----> /LR (is this right?)
/LR (Ted is NOT legally required to report accident)< ...
1.) We found titanium in 2 Bibles: (JG and B-36)
2.) Titanium in 15th century Vinland Map (purportedly)
Conclusion: B-36 must have been printed by JG and Vinland Map is from 15th century
Is it wrong for the ...
I am having a hell of a time trying to figure out whether the first or last sentence is the conclusion. The 1st and last sentences appear to be saying exactly the same thing, to only pay attention to intrinsic ...
I need help finding the main conclusion in this stimulus. I thought the first and last sentences were basically saying the exact same thing: that we ought to pay attention to the intrinsic properties of art. I read some explanations that involved ...
The question stem asks: "The reasoning in the journalist's argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument fails to consider that..." and the correct answer, E, says the flaw is that those who donate might not be those who join ...
So for 24, I was confused by the question stem. When it says support the position of Passage B over that of Passage A, does that mean we are trying to strengthen B and weaken A? Or just strengthen B and have neutral effect on A? Confusing AF. And I got ...
Could someone please help explain to me how "C" is the correct answer? I went with choice E because it seemed like the closest to correct, but I honestly didn't think any of them seemed right. I'm reviewing and still can't figure out how that is the right ...
Stimulus: Shoe factory employs more unskilled full time workers (W) than all other businesses in town combined.
If shoe factory closes, more than half of town RESIDENTS who are W will lose jobs.
I was a little confused on why C is incorrect. The computer scientists simply say that they think they can make AI by encapsulating the information contained in the human genome. Then the Biologist talks about the operations of the human brain.
< ...
I am pretty lost on why the correct answer is D. There is nothing in the stimulus that specifics that the Shoe Factory only hires citizens of Centerville. I would love to get some feed back on how other people did this question. I got answer B....
I totally don't understand this question. Need help and let me know if I read correctly.
Stimuli provides: certain peculiarities are used unconsciously, and if used by more than 1 poet, it represents common usage; if used by only 1 poet, ...
... think Han Purple is PT74.S1.Q17(https://7sage.com/lsat_explanations ... -question-17/ ) and Dioxin is PT45.S1.Q12 (https://7sage.com/lsat_explanations ...