Can somebody clarify for me the distinction between B and E for Question 20? Aren’t the two choices basically saying the same thing? The only difference being that B specifies that both are flying their respective planes. The rule states that “no plane ...
So this was a very interesting question. We are asked to identify the necessary assumption in the argument of the citizens group. Citizen group argues that the mayor have more than the town's economic interest in mind. Why? the citizens give the answer ...
The question itself is rather easy - (D) is pretty clearly something the argument is assuming, and necessarily so. Negating it makes a mockery of the argument.
However, I did spend quite a bit of time on this one, because I've always ...
I feel like there are a lot more recent-test RC questions that have me scratching my head. I understand the LSAT writers are extremely skilled and make their questions bulletproof from challenges/ambiguity, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how (A ...
Can someone explain to why answer choice B is incorrect for PT 91 Logic Game #1 Question 2? Why is answer choice C correct for this question? Thank you.
So Basically from my understanding B is correct because since the study were choosing paintings that were aesthetically better does not mean the other preschoolers artwork were displeasing or the experts work is necessary pleasing? Because it seems like ...
does anyone have the set for pt 91 section 1 logic game 3? I think I am missing some sort of inference or my rules are messed up because I'm having some trouble with this game.
I honestly didn't see the flaw when I first did this question and am wondering how people who did see the issue manage to go about solving these questions.
Are these two questions basically twins? Or are they different? If they are ...
I just couldn't anticipate the flaws with either of these questions and would like to know how people who got these correct went about doing them. My pre-phase going into the answer choices was that there wasn't a perfect correlation in the premises and so ...
I think the sheer amount of language in here is what's throwing me off. But summarized as generally as possible, I think the stimulus is saying.
"Klemke thinks that the complaints are ...
Im a little confused regarding this question. wouldn't B be a more accurate answer because the park ranger is saying people shouldn't get tickets for laws they don't know since they haven't don't a good job making the law known to the public? but after ...
Does anyone have any tricks for getting this one correct with zero understanding of science? I skipped it and honestly would happily skip it again on the actual LSAT. I'm probably distracted by the science jargon but didn't want to waste time parsing it ...
What should your thought process be on a question like this? On easier RRE, I could often come up with a paraphrase, but it definitely wasn't the case here. I felt like I was going into the choices blind.
As the header states, I didn't see any blatantly wrong with the argument. It was just a causal chain (Global warming causes temperatures to increase which causes greater proportion of precipitation to fall as rain which causes faster melting and more ...
I understand why the correct answer is correct but I’m still iffy about answer choice A. Every website I check has different reasons for why it’s incorrect. I’ve read that it’s because the choice says beverage which doesn’t necessarily include coffee but ...
The conclusion reached above depends on which one
of the following assumptions?
The pre-Columbian inhabitants of Mexico
played games on all ceremonial occasions.
The making ...
So for 24, I was confused by the question stem. When it says support the position of Passage B over that of Passage A, does that mean we are trying to strengthen B and weaken A? Or just strengthen B and have neutral effect on A? Confusing AF. And I got ...
I picked the right answer. But I wanna extract as much as possible from this question.
I noticed a nuance in the question stem "an element of". But how this is different from the ordinary question stem which simply ask what the author's ...