I simply do not understand how the answer choice parallels the stimulus at all. Can anyone explain it to me to help me understand? Thank you! PT8.S1.Q16.
help This might be a dumb question.
I get the correct answer (emphasize the degree of unpredictability in S and O model) However, I was hesitant to pick it because I somehow interpreted it to mean that the model itself is unpredictable, not that ...
I don't understand why B isn't the correct answer choice for this question. The passage says S and O "make a distinction between this type of uncertainty and that known as "chaos". To me this is pretty clear the mentioning of "chaos" is ...
I hovered between (C) and (D) but ultimately chose (C) because I felt that (D)'s use of the word "misrepresent" was incorrect - it seems that the organicists don't misrepresent traditional analytical methods, so much as they simply don't understand them. ...
I chose (C) and I think it's wrong because passage B doesn't cite any authorities. But I take issue with the correct answer being (A) because it says that passage A "[doesn't] provide details," which I think it does. Doesn't citing what might be necessary ...
... identify the structure of PT1.S1.P2 passage.
Here, I ... each other in general. P4 : Transformation of both the disciplines ...
P3: Not sure! P4: Presenting the Merger of the ...