Hi folks, I can't for the life of me figure out why the correct answer for question 11 in sec. 3 of the June 2014 test is choice A. (This is the question regarding citizen ...
I'm a little confused about why the video explanation shows the first sentence as PISM --most--> /DOR. I thought that the "without" would negate the first part of the sentence and it would look like /PISM --most--> DOR. If someone could explain ...
In the explanation for this game board (https://7sage.com/lesson/inout-game-2-game-board-setup/?ss_completed_lesson=17878), JY uses group 3 logical operator, unless, to translate the lawgic. I thought that he would use group 4, ...
I'm not sure if this is the correct place? Are we allowed to ask questions about individual questions? If it's not allowed (sorry!) let me know and I will delete this thread, or someone can take appropriate action.
Here is my analysis for question 17 in section 3 for prep test 72. This is a weaken question; therefore, I wanted to weaken the connection between the premises and the conclusion.
Argument Analysis:
I am having such a tough time on this question. I have written out my thinking, watched the explanation a few times and I am still stumped by this question. Answer C is ...
The correct answer here was E. I understand why the answer is E (because it shows an alternative explanation for the phenomena described in the stimulus), but I have trouble understanding why D is wrong. After all, if following the ...
One of the "rules" that I have learned from Ellen Cassidy's loophole and just general LR practice is that we should be extremely weary of answer choices that say we "should" do something. For this specific question, I immediately picked D because it was ...
I don't understand how AC A strengthens the argument...so we can't see them when it is a wet year, shouldn't that mean that in '85 the observer would have seen less beetles that year than in '89?
I picked E because I thought it eliminated an alternative explanation by showing that the population drop was not because the beetles were eaten by their predator. I immediately crossed over A thinking it was totally out of scope. My thought process was: ...