I've done hundreds of LR questions and I was never this lost with a question. Got this right because the rest of the answers weren't compatible with the argument, but I have no idea why (C) is correct. I really would appreciate a detailed explanation for ...
Can someone explain why D is not the right answer? I was struggling between B and D but eventually chose D.
I'm having some serious trouble with this game. Any thoughts/suggestions? I've done other sequencing games with conditional rules, of course, but nothing as open ended as this one. Can ...
At first, I thought the answer might be (D) since before I saw the answer choices I noticed that there is a problem in assuming that atmospheric ozone levels are equal in every global ...
For some reason I picke answer choice (D) in this question the first time around, during BR I knew that (D) was incorrect because it did not address the issue at all. and also the ...
Hi all, I just took PT 62 today and I would like to get some input from other 7sagers regarding the answer ...
Hi friends! I want to make sure that my reasoning is on the ball for this question, since I got it wrong the first time around.
Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me understand why D is incorrect? Thanks! :)
Between a/c B and C. Firstly I have issues with how the Conclusion is about labor savng technology tends to undermine values--- being interpreted as a conditional statement. We do ...
I'm not sure how to understand why the right answer is right. The business student in me says E is the most right but I can understand why it's not 'the' right answer.
I'm ...
The conclusion is that reducing speed limits neither saves
lives nor protects the environment. The evidence is that the more slowly a car moves the
more time it spends ...
in my timed approach I was confident w answer choice E however in the blind review changed my response to D. During blind review I thought I was making an assumption about the bones ...