How is the last rule of the first game valid? It says if L is 6, J is 3. But L can never be 6, because L is a leader of K and F. Does that mean this rule is invalid?
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief ...
Couldn't we make the inference that only R and Z can be in slot 1? I was going to split the board on those but realized I didn't have enough info. I quickly eliminated A on question 1 without second thought because I scanned to eliminate any AC that didn't ...
Please someone help me figure out how to map out this LG! I'm so confused with the pet owners and non-pet owners and the apartments. Would this be a chart question? Or a group ordering? Question 10 and 11 specifically confuse me, please help help help :(
PT19. S2. Q17
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with this one. Here is how I diagrammed it.
premise1) devote to study natural process---- have leisure
premise 2) resources plentiful --- have leisure