Correct answer B The only thing we know for sure reading the argument is that the studies encourage overestimation of the degree to wich some food additives are carcinogenic.
A We don’t know
C We don’t know
D We don’t know
E We ...
Can y'all please help me explain this? I watched the video a few times, but the numbers method that JY just not really iron clad proof for me, or at least I'm not really understanding it.
I'm having trouble with the following question from Superprep, A:
L: People's intentions cannot be, on the whole, more bad than good. Were we to believe otherwise, we would inevitably cease to trust each other, and no society can survive ...
Hi all, I'm trying to better understand Flaw-Descriptive Weakening Questions and this one stumped me. After listening to the explanation, I better understand why AC C is correct. However, I am wondering if AC C would still hold up if the wording was ...
I agree A is a better choice given the premises and conclusion, but am I crazy for thinking that an economic incentive implies that the benefit is at least equal to, possibly ...
So I chose A because I thought that answer was the one that was most proven based upon on the stimulus and I thought E was a close second but I didn't choose it because it seems a little far fetched saying that the cleanser will " make relatively greater ...
I'm aware that the correct answer is A, but while PTing I thought that the wording was too extreme. I do agree that the main point is to focus more on narrative than the characteristics of the novel, but what let me to confidently cross ...
After reviewing, I can see why the wrong answer choices are wrong, but I cannot also tell you why C is the right answer. To me is just does not make sense. To me I thought this if anything would strengthen the argument.
To solve this necessary assumption question I used the technique of negating each answer, and then seeing which opposite answer choice would have to weaken the argument. The one that must weaken the argument is the answer. However, here, I just can't ...
Can anyone explain how B is justified in supporting this hypothesis? I didn't see any relevance between strategies of defence and the two functions of infrared sensor.
How do we represent "Many," when we come across it in a passage or AC that uses other quantifiers like Most and Some. Do we write it out like Some? I just came across Many in PT A; Q. 14, AC D and I didn't know if I should represent Many as Some in this ...