Hi everyone! If anyone has some better insight as to why (E) is the correct answer I would greatly appreciate it! I see why (E) would be the right answer but I also believe (C) could be a correct answer. The only issue with (C) that I do see is possibly ...
Hello 7sagers, does anyone have any idea how to get the correct answer of question 20 of the second section of logical reasoning from dec 15 lsat? Trying to diagram out the conditionals and am struggling. My tutor couldn't even figure out this question.... ...
I watched the video explanation for this, but I don't think I understood it 100%.
I think the author's logic is simplified as farther=brighter=younger but I don't quite understand how a brighter star is supposed to be younger. Is this ...
I'm redoing some questions that I marked when I first went through the ciriculum, and I came across this tricky one. I fully see why answer D is correct, but I can't figure out what makes B incorrect. Doesn't answer B deny an alternate cause?
Looking to get a better idea of the logic on answer choice E, which is an incorrect answer choice.
I understand that A is the correct choice because reasoning from an ...
In real time, I was down between B and D. I chose D because it "felt" correct.
In regards to actual reasoning, I'm assuming D's appeal to authority is illegitimate because something like smell is so subjective and appealing to an expert ...
Hi guys, having a little bit of trouble with this weakening question. Here's my understanding of it.
(Premise) -> In authoritarian society the metaphor society as a human ...
I was not sure between B and D.
I thought B is correct because it bases its conclusion on premise which contradicts one of its premise...
(It says "the odds are ...
Why exactly are C and E incorrect? After mulling over this question for nearly half an hour I can't seem to figure it out.
I am having a lot of trouble seeing how C and D are not saying the same exact thing. Here is how I broke down the structure of the argument.
Hi guys I would appreciate it if someone could review my reasoning for this question and let me know if this is correct. When BRing I realized that I made a mistake and chose A rather than E which is correct.
So the stimulus in #20 reads,
"If one does not criticize a form of behavior in oneself or vow to stop it, then one should not criticize that form of behavior in another."
I think I understand why B is right, since middle ear infections are not defined as being bacterial infections in the stimulus. Probably just assumed this on my first read, which led me to pick A or D. I can't remember. I've drilled this question at least ...
I am quite puzzled by the answer to this question altogether. The answer to this is answer choice A (circular reasoning of the first sentence and the last part of the last sentence following "because"), but I am not quite sure why ...
... E basically says that the Meteorologist did not evaluate the merit ... thing can cause climate the Meteorologist was evaluating the merit of ... can't necessarily say the Meteorologist evaluated the merits of the ...
Can someone explain why B is correct for this question? I find this question confusing, mostly because the way the prompt asks for a principle that if established will prove both sides of the argument correct.
Hi could someone help me out with the diagramming on this one? I found it absolutely confounding and I'm usually pretty decent at conditional phrasing.
So what I took away from this after looking at this thoroughly was that the original ...