Hi! This will be my first time as well and I’ve had the same issue! I talked to the help desk/technician and they did the equipment test and said that RAM should be fine.
Hi @"solis.98" thanks for this motivating post, can you please say a bit more about the speed and skipping strategy in LR that you heard in one of JY's podcasts? How did it change your strategy from before?
I was able to register for a time slot. However, I did run into an issue, when I tested my equipment the RAM usage failed. I don't know what that means and when I took the October LSAT I didn't have that issue. Anyone know how to fix it?
RAM (or memory) is used by ... the same time, the more RAM will be used up. Since ... at least 4 GB of RAM (the minimum spec listed on ... -essential programs to get your RAM utilization under 90%.
You can see your RAM utilization in Windows by opening ...
... previous discussion on increasing Mac RAM storage capacity ahead of the ... apps that are taking up RAM. You may also want to ... taking up a lot of RAM even when it wasn't ...
Hey everyone... Opening "Activity Monitor" and force quitting most activity got me to 85% for the RAM criteria, which had been causing me to fail previously. Think that may be the key! Hope it helps :)
I had that same issue mine said RAM 97% of 90%. I closed down the browser and logged in through the extension by clicking on the chrome extension. It has the Proctor U Owl. It worked fine after that.
@nanabillan hey! are you using a mac? I had the same issue. If you are, download the app Memory Diag from the app store and launch it. You press a button and it finds memory and closes out ram
@kilgoretrout hey! if you can, download the app _memory diag_ from the app store. My ram was fine ALL week and did the same thing 10 minutes ago. You basically press a button and recycle ram. It freed up mine from 94%
I have done several tests through ProctorU with my macbook air (the LSAT and others for classes I have taken) and it has always run smoothly! Just make sure you have enough free RAM to meet ProctorU's requirements
for fellow MacBook Air users - I found its really helpful to create a "Quit Everything" application for yourself, took care of the RAM issues I was having
How to do it: https://osxdaily.com/2013/06/02/quit-all-applications-mac-os-x/