While working through the curriculum I would say I probably ... a week. Since finishing the corecurriculum I have been PT'ing ... are still working through the curriculum currently I would strongly urge ... important concepts taught in the curriculum.
... : I regret not finishing the corecurriculum before I started PTing/doing ... day before I finished the curriculum. Within 2 weeks, I saw ... I recommend skimping on the curriculum. Nor am I saying everyone ...
Thanks Kyle and Nicole for taking the time to reply. I had been studying for three and a half months, and I only used 7Sage material. I had finished 40% of the corecurriculum before it was expanded.
... of problem sets included, the corecurriculum is identical across all packages ... case likely involves finishing the curriculum at some point in the ... , there are parts of the curriculum that will go much faster ...
They're not incredibly outdated, but if you're taking a full course with 7Sage, you might find some repeat questions since we use a lot of them from PTs 1-35 in the CoreCurriculum.
Echoing what everyone else said here, yes do the CoreCurriculum first, then do PTs (with Blind Review). The course is intentionally laid out like that on the Progress page: http://7sage.com/progress/
... , after I completed 7 sage curriculum I took 2 timed tests ... -watched a lot of the corecurriculum videos and tried to gain ... a better understanding of the core concepts behind the lsat. After ...