> @LSAT_Wrecker said:
> Dear LSAC, don’t send out an email about my September test registration the day before you are scheduled to release my July score. :neutral:
LSAC just tweeted that they're going to DEFINITELY release the scores tomorrow, Friday August 10, starting no earlier than 9am EST. No need to stay up late !!!
I wish they did the midnight release. I really do not appreciate this whole we listened thing. I loved having them at night. Like why would you want to extend the wait if you have an option of not to?
I know the predicted release date according to LSAC is the 28th, but are there any dates out there that are predicted by 7sage or powerscore that are different?
... powerscore.com/lsat/lsat-score-release-dates-scheduled-vs-actual- ... released earlier than the scheduled release date. It looks like ... in the scheduled vs actual release dates?
... minimize any anxiety about those release dates.
... .powerscore.com/lsat/lsat-score-release-dates-scheduled-vs-actual-comparison ... . Based on the historic "actual" release dates, the September test scores ... . So maybe they'll actually release them on Saturday.