... , study about 4 to 5 hours per day (6 days a week ... 5 weeks. 50 hours per week until I get to the ... possibly cut my exams another week to make my PT number ... would give me an extra week to study the curriculum and saturate ...
I also work full time, which has been a problem. But I told my bosses that I would only like to work 3 days in a week so that I can study. That gives me 2 days during the week to study + weekends.
... I do think your original plan is actually pretty good @eshanpatel96 ... little more aggressive with your studyplan. If you're aiming for ... "overwhelming majority of us." My study schedule was built entirely on ...
... have 3 months total to study, how long does the curriculum ... between 15-20 hours per week to study? If you only have ... 3 months to study, is there enough time to ... it as I continue to study and try to figure out ...
I work full time (40-45 hours per week) and study 1-1.5 hours M-F and 2-3 hours on Sundays. Planning on using this schedule for the next 1-2 years- however long it takes as I cannot increase my study hours while working Full Time.
1. Take ... did?
4. Create a StudyPlan. What do you need to ... errors? Identify specific areas of study which will work towards eliminating ... the PT/BR.
5. Study!
... of each PT as a study cycle.
> ... ?
> 4. Create a StudyPlan. What do you need to ... errors? Identify specific areas of study which will work towards eliminating ... PT/BR.
> 5. Study!
> When ...