... anyone have an LR with parallelflaw for the last question? I ... the last question being a parallelflaw the section with 26 questions ... I didn't see the flaw.
... I can't articulate the flaw or the reasoning very well ... see the reasoning or the flaw, but if not, it's ... should do this to improve parallelflaw/reasoning -- the mechanics are the ... try and correct the wrong parallel choices and make them right ...
... a "deep dive" for some parallel questions and others that are ... confirm the correct answer. For parallelflaw questions, I try to identify ... the flaw in the argument first and ...
... of reasoning questions, Flaw questions, parallel reasoning questions, parallelflaw questions ect and am ... is proceeding or what the flaw is, before I ever look ...
... questions are the ones like parallelflaw questions and questions where the ... ,strengthening,weakening, discrepancy, necessary assumption, flaw, sufficient assumptions, psuedo sufficient assumption ...
Hey there, are you referring to the principle question about morality? or did you mean question 16- the parallelflaw question about the council election?