... ’re finished, then you can start drilling again. Do a mix of ... lay eyes on everything. Then start fool proofing. Work a game ... in about a week and again in about a month if ... process.
... should have. If I could start over again, I would begin with ... using early material. Once you start to see consistency in your ... approach, then start to PT. Best of luck ...
If you're aiming for a 160, withdraw from the September test. Startstudying, PT when you're ready + BR those PTs. Then, when you've scored in the 160+ range a few times, register for the upcoming exam.
... ), you will be considered a splitterapplicant, and splitters are not uncommon ... you should also look into splitter friendly schools such as Northwestern ...
@DropItLikeItsLHot there is no reason, not to start slowly from now. I wish I could go back and startstudying for LSAT three years earlier than my test day using 7Sage. With three years and 7Sage you have a real shot at 180.