Hi! I live in Spokane, WA (originally from Seattle) and also work full-time with little time during the week to study so I would be interested in joining your group!
Proctors: For the most part, the proctors seemed like they knew what was going on. I had no issues with them. They chatted before and during breaks, but were not distracting during the test. They walked around a little bit, but not irritatingly so. They ...
Facilities: Really great - held in the SU law school building. One advantage here - you can take PTs in this building to get used to the space before your administration (I suggest coming on a Friday, ...
I know that Bellingham isn't a huge town, but I was wondering if there was anyone in the Bellingham or even Seattle area who wanted to study together? I also wouldn't mind doing a little Skyping, I just think I would really benefit from a study buddy! I am ...
Proctors: Excellent. Kind, professional, quiet during test. Really happy with them.
Facilities: Law school classroom. Building is newer, so pretty comfortable and well-equipped.
What kind of room: Large classroom, basement level, typical law ...
Looking for a study buddy to check-in with, review learned material and schedule practice tests as well. I am pretty early in CC but I will be focusing on completing by august. Please respond to post if interested!
Hello, I am looking for a study group who is planning on taking the November and or January LSAT for Fall 2023. I have been studying for almost a month (would have been more but its on and off). I am currently living in Spokane Washington :)