... when timed: Reading for reasoning structure, Practicing memory method, knowing why ... of a good number of passages will yield a critical mass ... to doing a ton of passages ( I drilled RC PT 1 ...
JY suggests doing 8 passages with Phase 1 and then ... 8 pages. Then, just doing passages normally. But you can modify ... read a passage for reasoning structure.
... still have issues with science passages but after taking tips from ... clearer visual interpretation of both structure and content within a read ...
... be similar but the science passages may be less abstract than ... the law passages. You can also run into ... history type passages that trace a timeline of events. The structure will ...
... critical to understand the reasoning structure I think a lot of ... I've started reading the passages twice, once at a normal ... read I already know the structure and so by just skimming ...
... we do the RC practice passages and get all the questions ... />
If you understand the reasoning structure and understand the questions, I ... miss something on the reasoning structure though. If you are unsure ...
... that the passages and LR questions have a fairly repetitive structure, and ... and focusing on understanding the structure. Some people find it easier ... to look at all four passages, skipping time sink questions within ...
... from focusing on reading for structure. Heavy marking works for some ... are better at remembering the structure than at locating details), but ... />
Then I tried a few passages with no underlining at all ...
... floor, the planet orbit passages, the wave theory, and ...
For comparative passages, I very quickly scan the ... helpful for the newer passages, where they ask you ... those indicators.
Indicators of structure: Question marks; But; Also; ...
1) Look for structure. If you know how the ... me understands that I hate art. Absolutely despise it. After the ... first paragraph of an art passage, I'm half asleep ...
... job of breaking down reasoning structure and discussing what is really ... memory method approach to the passages is also a great place ... an understanding of the reasoning structure. I've adjusted the memory ...
... because of the middle 2 passages themselves and not necessarily the ... grace..the difficultly of the passages makes me feel a -8 ... that intuition to read for structure carried me through. Sound like ...
... background and initially the science passages didn't click with me ... am doing is drilling science passages untimed until my accuracy is ... the system of the RC passages, your looking at comparison of ... helpful for main point and structure questions). I'm not saying ...
... reading RC. Read for argument structure and notate details as needed ... a part of the argument structure and then anticipate what is ... up to find a clear structure of the passage. This understanding ... of the passages can become cookie-cutter in structure but they ...
... all the points on the passages you don't skip, and ... most time - efficient reading for structure should be done in 3 ... your eyes on all the passages and get the easiest questions ...