Jengibre, yes, if I see the authors opinions, or the mainpoint, or support for the mainpoint, etc, I usually annotate next to the paragraph or sentence.
-Review MainPoint and MSS questions
-Watch videos for all questions from preptest 44 where there was any uncertainty
-Fool proof all games from PT 44
-Take PT 45 and BR
... here. But I think the main idea of my strategy stands ... as well as the thrust/mainpoint/attitude of the author. main point," for example, nor will I ... picked up on the autgors point.
MainPoint for every paragraph
Author's POV
Other POVs
I also pay attention to language that indicates Logical Indicators (ie unless, if...then...). Seeing more and more of that in RC.
... have an idea of the mainpoint (it sounds counter-intuitive, but ... eliminate wrong answer choices in mainpoint questions pretty quickly...too specific ...
... take to it well. The point is to let the details ... back and read them. The point is to take as much ... possible. Ie) the general sense (mainpoint) of the passage and how ...
@Pacifico. This is wonderful. I will start drilling right away. But how do you drill RC usually? Identify mainpoint, purpose, the purpose of each paragraph?