I'm in the LA area too and just started back up studying. I began in 2023 by stopped about halfway through the year. Starting from scratch again as of two days ago. I'd be game for a studypartner/group.
Seeking a study buddy in Dallas, as I'll be ... in the heart of the city offers convenience, and having a studypartner ... you're also in the area and interested in teaming up to ...
Hi! I hope im not too late lol but I live inNYC and just began studying, planning to take the LSAT in June to enroll for the 2026 school year, I’m done for study sessions as well!
... still haven't found a studypartner yet, so if you're ... />
Hey! I actually live in Wyoming myself, although I'm ... in a different city than Laramie ... have something in common! If you still need a study buddy, I ...
If anyone wants to review PT 68 with me tomorrow (Friday) over google hangout/skype. private message me and we can get started. Logical reasoning, both sections.
... are the most important thing in the whole universe... right? in turn depend entirely on one ... final exam. So, doing well in law school means doing well ... one of the top lawyers inNYC by a prestigious law magazine ...
I was scheduled for the december test but it was pushed to February. My entire group that I usually review with took the December test, so I'm looking for a few people to review PTs with. We usually reviewed via google hangout or skype.
Hey - I'm looking for someone to review problem sets or practice exams. I'm on EST and can review on weekends or weeknights. Please let me know if anyone is interested. My email is Nocera4@tcnj.edu
Hey everyone! I'm just wondering if there are some people from the PHX area that are taking the June LSAT that are willing to meet up for maybe 2-4 hrs weekly. It doesn't even have to be that long, but just a couple of people getting together to discuss ...
... br />
I am blessed in that from the beginning I ... -15+. I buckled down, and in the last week I've ... 7. I am hoping that in the next week I can ... games into a -4...what, in your opinion, is the best ... amp;A deals for Cravath inNYC instead (you'll probably end ...