... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... I registered for the October LSATand started 7Sage late this June ... the test once before (February this year, to be exact), and I ... the actual day of, and I had heard of the blind review method beforehand ... get a decent amount of PTs in), and I started taking ...
... 36-75 every other day, andreview some material on the days ... stuff like Trainer drills/flaw section). My diagnostic was not ... I start a little lower and did a PT every ... I'd appreciate the advice. And thanks everyone for the advice ... tell I'm kind of an LSAT noob.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... a 170 on the October LSAT, but for at least the ... PrepTests and books with official questions (PowerScore bibles, The LSAT Trainer ... major problem with RC (-7) andoneof the logic games (while getting ... 4 wrong per LR section or the RC and logic games sections ...
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... my 'test day mode', including meditation, changing my sleep cycle and exercising ... I struggled in the RC section, and that carried over into my ... a bit in the beginning of LR, until I pulled it ... onesection to the next.
... that that one RC passage was TOTALLY about World of Warcraft/Diablo ... in their own understanding, review fundamentals, and ultimately improve their own score ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... currently studying for the Dec test, and wanted some opinions on what ... a Testmasters course and have gone through most of the LSAT starter kit ... miss avg 5 for this section, but not sure which packet ... terms ofLSAT prep, I realize that doing PT's 38 and below ...
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... us for the final week of Blind Review groups for the October ... group blind review score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... Games sections. Whichever your worst section is, get ready to do ... , but for the purposes of the LSAT this is a mistake. The ... be parched. You get one bathroom break, and it's usually pretty ... the top of my head. Good luck on the test, and maybe I ...
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... most important test though. That one is called the December LSAT.
< ... and you've amply demonstrated your ability to respond with craftiness of ... just another PT day and the October 2015 LSAT will be just ... PT 75 and PT 74 and PT 73 and on and on and on. < ...
... take the LSATand I am studying for the Dec. test. I am ... be ready for the Dec. testand end up taking the Feb ... accepting applications until the beginning of April andone is accepting until May ... the upcoming Fall. Taking the test in February would give me ...
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... working on keeping track of the amount of question types I ... question type = one row) and the other 3 include tests (onetest per column ... all question stems during blind review (I double check them ... missing like 2 questions per section anyway). But for the ...
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
The February Test. The Undisclosed Test. The Sloth ofLSAT family.
< ... of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of ... ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test ...
... studying for my December LSAT in early October. That ... my diagnostic testand had 75% in LR, and much worse ... section... My score is barely any different than my diagnostic test ... ! I have one month left and I have no ... even see the point of doing more practice. ...
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
... purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review ... score together at the very end of the call ... a bunch ofLSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.