... beverages are permitted only during the scheduled rest break. Consuming food ... or beverages in the testing room at any other ... share their insight on what the real situation is like? ... us to drink water in the middle ofa section?
... I dont really see any ofthe ACs as being viable. < ... one could say that the mark ofa purple dragon is having ... not be ready. If the contrapositive ofthe stim. holds true, then ... , work could be intensified regardless ofthe orchestra's readiness. ...
... .S1.Q3, the correct answer is A, even though one ofthe two "specific ... examples" used in the passage is a ... -- line 32-- "recently, two employeesof an automobile company...")
... answer should link the reintroduction of rock salt to a disproportionate burden on ... the opposite of what you were meant to. Maybe the older a car is, the ... they develop a layer of dirt and debris that keeps the salt from ...
... not the correct answer. Yet it is a necessary assumption of this argument ... , because if the social impact of none ofthe ... a good understanding of most ofthe new drugs on the marketplace, and (B) is a ...
... when it comes to the pace of bringing the marketplaces new drugs ... I figured that since the social impact of antihistamine was far from ... maybe there needs to be a reduction ofthe pace when it comes ... it comes to the wording of **some**. How is A correct though?< ...
... 7sage can you see the difficulty ofthe full section? The only place I ... sections of LR, but all I can see when creating a problem ... set is the difficulty ofthe individual questions, not ...
... y'all just in a bit ofa rut and need some ... clarification from my 7Sage peeps. When the ... there is a rule which combines the negation ofa player via the group 4 ... "not" or "cannot" group in the ...
... , then there is the POSSIBILITY ofa gap in the argument.
... agree that the existence ofa possible gap in the argument would ... by a significant _enough_ pay raise _to allow Acme employees ... to afford housing in OV_,” that to me would be a ...
... being interpreted consistently with the intentions of its authors was ... political instability would increase from the info given.
< ... just wanted to open up a discussion about this question ... use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description ofthe question ...
... confused as to why the answer is A and not C. ... no nonliteral uses of any words."
is the first part: ... unless some uses of words are literal" a part ofthe premise? the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description ofthe question."**
... -you know, has a "should" or the equivalent ofa should in there somewhere ... or undermine a witness' confidence without hurting the accuracy or reliability of identification ... . Then there is a big jump to a ...
... that the proctor STOPPED OUR EXAM IN THE MIDDLE OFA SECTION!!!!!!!! But of course ... not until the JACK HAMMERING ... -SECTION! while the silliness continued. Then we finished the rest ofthe test. So ...
... not only before the trial, but also in the middle ofa trial, and ... therefore, I thought answer choice A ... I may be unfamiliar with the concept ofa "trial." If we are ... be formed in the middle ofa trial (or, during a trial), as they ...
I understood "A or B but not both" as one ofthe followings: ...
1. A(O) B(X)
2. A( ... what is the contrapositive of it? A/B = CONTRAPOSITIVE => /A + /B ... /B could fall under the definition of "A or B but not both ...
... that confidence ofa testimony has little correlation with the accuracy of said testimony ... that factors can alter the confidence ofa testimony without changing its ... something that alters the accuracy ofa testimony, (since accuracy of evidence is important ...
... by a synthesis ofthe two, the result being the coined phrase of "scientific humanism." The author ... stating "from science to the humanities" in the form ofa spectrum. In other ... words, my first reasoning was analogous to the ...
... I am posting on behalf ofa 7Sage user. Please feel free ... this one as it's the opposite ofthe embedded conditional.
< ... an unusual type of embedded conditional that goes the other way ... / question, said something along the lines of: "/A unless B, then C." ...
... why I tried including a conjunction with the X (wood), because I ... the existence ofa table apart and separate from the existence ofa table made from a ... particular wood (almost as if it were a ...
... the damage cause is the C and the claim that the choice ofa ... diet can affect whether or not one has a ... heart attack it is used to support the C ofthe argument. The ... Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description ofthe question."**
... was blowing through the games section of section 4 and ... make some deductions ahead of time -- except I ... of is). I missed every single question minus the ... I got this on the real test. Paging ... the key deduction? How would you get yourself to see the game a ...
... BR. As a CPA, the equivocation ofa few words in the stimulus and answer ... br />
A director at a pharm company argues that the developmental costs (production ... does the business care directly? The pharm company only cares about selling the vaccines ...
... 've interned at a law firm of whom the attorney is a Harvard law ... alumni, I've served in the ... a Catholic Fraternity known as the Knights of Columbus who serve the Catholic churches of ...