If you have any concerns about the photo being in color, print out the part of the website where it says you need a photo. If it doesn't say it has to be color, you're probably fine.
Guys I just wanted to say this was my third time doing PT 1 timed
1st time (under flexible time constraints) to try to figure it out on my own
2nd try after the explanation and stop watch timed aiming under 35 mins
3rd try: after 2nd ...
Yep the ticket says a highlighter. Multiple highlighters are not allowed, but a single highlighter with multiple tips a ok. I basically called and ran through a bunch of rules and that was one I asked about.
https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/659481002 And https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/single-mom-of-five-goes-viral-with-inspiring-law-school-graduation-photo/
You're fine. If they wanted to enforce that rule, they could have checked the image metadata when you uploaded it. I assume they include that line so people don't use super old photos where they don't match the photo.
Wow I did not notice that rule at all! My pic is a passport photo from probably 4 years ago and I used it during last year's June LSAT too lol. I really doubt it will matter.
... you meant by taking a "photo" of the question types you ... ? Do you literally take a photo of the entire question or ... you would only take one photo of that question type, not ...