I'm quite curious about the way test forms are mixed for each and every individual on test day. I've gotten 2 RC sections both times I sat for the exam and was wondering if this was by random chance? Or, perhaps some other reason?
... had an error on my transcript that I did not catch ... the way my transcript looked, they rushed the transcript to the LSAC ... . However, the LSAC processed the transcript incorrectly and are going to ...
I submitted my application to Columbia on Jan. 5 and was waitlisted yesterday. When I was filling in the reserve form I discovered the form was titled "first reserve", does anyone know what it means? Thxxx!
Just wondering if any 2018 Ontario law school hopefuls have had their OUAC profiles updated with their February score? Mine’s not showing and just want to see if it’s the same for everyone and if so, when they’re usually up by. Thanks!
So I may be overthinking this process, but whats the proper way to send a LOCI. Do i attach it in the email as a doc x, pdf, or copy/paste into the body of the email. Also are these suppose to be double spaced or single spaced?
Do most schools care about your undergrad GPA after admission? I'm in my last semester of undergrad, and of course I don't plan on bombing my last semester, but I was wondering if schools care about the GPA on your final transcript.
(heads up: many words in this remark, but thanks so much in advance for reading and taking the time to help! i really appreciate it and am very grateful for everyone's thoughtful advice/comments :] )