... logical bases, and implicates understanding of proper task mechanics); understanding of and comfort with proper ... a bad line of reasoning without realizing it at ... on blind review means big understanding issues, and getting it ...
... room for technical methods of reasoning such as with SA, NA ... , Parallel Method of Reasoning, et cetera, in LR or ... passage altogether, though a clear understanding of what the passage is ...
... RC drill. I mean comprehensively understanding complex information in a specific ... habit of reading for structure and thus understanding the "argument engine" and ...
... moving fast, it comes from understanding the logic upon which the ... an elementary grasp of conditional reasoning, for example, anyone can work ... you’ve truly mastered conditional reasoning, this process happens as you ...
... it is a parallel reasoning type question. Then I ... quirky aspects in the structure of the premises and ... look for those quirky structure thingys by the way. ... find something about the structure that doesn't mach. ... my idea of the structure I double check it ...
... a great resource for logical reasoning. For me, the way I ... working through it, especially for understanding the different challenges that each ...
... , they are for furthering your understanding and building experience. So for ... how you can apply your understanding in a timed setting. They ... opportunity to consistently hone your reasoning. I think it's so ...
... reading will go faster. Also understanding the system of the RC ... helpful for main point and structure questions). I'm not saying ... indicate your success rates and understanding of the material.
... to see the method of reasoning used in the stimulus by ... example, is the method of reasoning cause and effect, or an ... I don't have an understanding of the Method used by ... me see what method or reasoning was used to arrive at ...
... RC. Read for argument structure and notate details as needed ... a part of the argument structure and then anticipate what ... find a clear structure of the passage. This understanding will hopefully save ... can become cookie-cutter in structure but they love to ...