... seen someone tell another user togiveup. Much to the contrary, I've ... seen a lot of encouragement to retake. "Retake" is basically the ... other than what they want to hear or already think is ...
... then my advice is to either A) take the ... , it is basically telling someone togiveup.
> ... rude and often ended up not even answering someone' ... It's telling them to adjust their goals or ... ) is exactly what needs to happen. And I honestly ...
... unnecessarily rude. But telling someone to take the GRE and that ... more or less telling them togiveup. I wasn't commenting on ... />
I'm going back to what I said before though ... on agreeing to disagree about the attitude on ...
... rude. But telling someone to take the GRE and that ... more or less telling them togiveup. I wasn't commenting on ... it is tacitly telling them togiveup.
But I ... />
ETA: Just because people give advice that you personally don ...
... it would be easier to get back to all of you ... to ask the seemingly silly questions such as "should I give ... ". Sure, I can always give ANY school a shot, why ... I wouldn't be willing togiveup any non-T6 schools for ... a grown-up girl and I should be able to take ...
... almost might be a giving up hope time. Per LSAC twitter ... ;
> "Due to the beastly weather from this ... , thats a pretty good reason togiveup hope. Oh well, I bet ...
... name recognition and access to opening doors. It depends ... likely you would want to go to a school that has ... how much you are willing togiveup. I've worked for ... lawyers who went to very high tier schools, ... for lawyers who went to the State school part ...
This story inspires me not togiveup! I am considering on taking the LSAT for the third time in September. My first try in June 2017 was decent, but I did worse in February, understandably due to the fact that I was grieving a loss at the time.
... but I'm not going togiveup. I'm retaking in ... and I'm going to study harder and keep ... If your dream is to go to law school and be ... you'll find a way to achieve that. Even if ... you don't go to a tier one school, ... many people who went to tier 3 and 4 ...
... ’m currently finding it impossible to study since my new CMO ... crash. I’m trying not togiveup on my dream of becoming ... getting harder and harder to stay motivated. Happy to see I’m ...
Love these posts. Congrats! Funny you posted these motivating words, I've been beating myself up the last few days and wanted togiveup. Best of luck to you!
Stay in the game and don't get discouraged. Just read a quote that it's worse togiveup than fear failure. Maybe some timed individual sections could help?
... don’t think you have togiveup on being a lawyer because ... of us here would love to help you figure out ... help you come up with ideas on things to try and ... how to practice pushing through ... lawyer, we’re here to help you find your way ...
... often walk to the public library up the street ...
It's important to avoid burnout while studying and ... , and make plans to do something fun with ... , you are going to have togiveup a lot of things ... times that you are going to be studying, period.
... below HYS which don't give them out. There is still ... are a little less likely togive full tuition scholarships. Even if ... probably more likely to let you in and maybe give you a ... you definitely don't want togiveup any potential leverage.
If I enroll for Fall 2020 I will be 26 years old. I worked all through college and have a decent job at a trucking company as a supervisor now so it'll be hard togiveup the money but worth it in the long run.
... a few thousand dollars to ask a doctor to pronounce them ADHD ... profound way that prohibits you to read or hear or ... thinking that you are entitled to be more successful so much ... could demand everyone else togiveup their fair chances to compensate for your ...
I just had a chance to come here and write something ... without pay. Before I wanted togiveup LSAT but after I attended ... BRs, I do not want togive it up. As you continue helping ... pay, your spirit encourages me to keep going. I know Studying ...
... br />
But to address your question, I think ... you don't want togiveup a point just because ... comes from knowing how to attack most games and ... />
Learn how to master game boards, game types ... ; learn how to attack each question type the ...
Took me eight months to get to the mid 160s from a 151. I was studying full-time four to five hours a day almost everyday. Four months is not enough time for you togiveup. Some people on 7sage go at the LSAT for years.
... Took Princeton Review ultimate course to prepare for it. Took time ... like I did well (trying to get 175+) now studying ... sure there is anything else to do. Basically my regime ... . Not sure what else to do. The test is ... and I don't want togiveup. If you get any ...
... get away. I told myself to study but by the time ... i'd hate for you togiveup a trip if the benefits ... some time in a cafe to do a logic game or ... there will be more opportunities to come.
Yes, I was able to visit both before everything went crazy. I loved being in New York City; I just don’t know if I’m willing togiveup a full ride, especially now.