... up scoring a 164 which is a fantastic score ... Anyways since I’ve been on this journey for so ... lawschool in the fall of 2018. Even with score of 141 on ... if I even want to go tolawschool. The worst part is ... I have now. Based on lawschoolnumbers and the like, ...
... school's top scholarship, which would allow me to leave lawschool debt-free, or to ... the other T10 school (and more once interest on loans is considered ... 'll can share your thoughts on a question and vote in ...
... I could use your thoughts onlawschool choices. I am stuck between ... and nothing from Georgetown, which isn’t all that surprising ... given WashU’s tendency to lure student with $$ and ... . I want to do **public interest** immigration law in Chicago ( ...
Does anybody know the formula US schools use to convert Canadian GPAs?
I have a 3.7 (A-) in Canada but not sure what it will be when I apply to a US lawschool.
Because lawschoolapplications won't become available for ... or two, I'm trying to figure out roughly how much ... most applications easily/quickly filled out and submitted? Just trying to plan ...
... />
We've updated our lawschool [admissions predictor](https://7sage.com ... 't be paying admissions officers to read files. Our predictor is ... best used to ballpark your chances so that ... you can apply to a spread of reach, target ...
Since my first year of lawschool started last week, I've ... thinking about starting a journal to help me process things and ... maybe by working through how to articulate things, I feel like ... could potentially provide some value to future students. So instead of ...
... seen a number of lawschoolapplications ask applicants to submit the date/score ... LSAT they took or plan on taking as a mandatory part ... canceling my score). For one school, the field for the LSAT ... of canceling a score is to prevent law schools from seeing it ...
... to attend the New York LSAC forum next weekend and while on ... the east coast I want to visit schools ... in advance for any insight on forums/school visits.
If someone is not admitted tolawschool because of a low LSAT score, can they use the same exact application for the next cycle with a higher retake score? Assuming they had a solid personal statement and LoRs. Thank you.
... that has ever even attempted to go tolawschool. Currently, I've been ... struggling to get a job (to work ... working. So I've been on the post-grad-job search ... lower GPA than what I feel is comfortable for applying to schools ...
... , I understand that UC Davis lawschool has the following requirement: supplemental ... personal statement document you plan to upload with your application. to clearly separate the diversity statement ...
... full time and trying to get as much studying ... br />
I am basically trying to get as much studying in ... job and focus on studying full time to get the ... a solid career on your resume for lawschoolapplications of any ... share! I am open to any opinions or feedback ...
Hi! I am about to graduate college and I have ... have always known I want to go tolawschool so I am studying ... for my LSAT now and hope to ... LSAT and when I apply tolaw schools. Will admissions care about ...
... is any special requisite to apply for law colleges in Canada or ... I won't be able to study law without fellowship). Also if ... it is ok to go from PhD in Genetics tolaw (I know ... they convert my undergraduate scoring toGPA?
... 7Sage and I believe the lawschool prep will be well worth ... 't there already books to prepare you for lawschool, such as the ... Short & Happy Guide to (torts ... of the law.
... understands the stress lawschoolapplications can place on people. Also, ... try to start weekly discussion questions on there where ... give different perspectives on approaches to studying and such.... ... />
Looking forward to meet you. Comment below or ...
... uncertainty surrounding LSAT dates and lawschool admissions for fall 2021, ... should I take summer courses to wrap up my degree ... I decide to take summer course, I will then start lawschool in ... do you think law schools will make to their admission process ...
... />
I was admitted to NYU Law early decision. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I ... I would be.
On the bright side, I do ... fear is failing to excel in lawschool and struggling to make debt payments ... would lose all my money to debt/rent (in NYC). ...
... we are. I plan on applying to a T14 lawschool. I am reaching ... small difference in GPA carry significant sway at a school like Harvard ... the implication small differences in GPA make in lawschool admissions.
... about ANYTHING. I want to apply for lawschool for Fall 2021. I ... currently have a 3.9 GPA ... , and I have no idea where to start with ... tried to find help at my school, but they don't focus onlaw ...
I want to work on FP my logic games. Was wondering which PTs I should use above 36 to just take for LG? Should I split it in into odds and evens and use one of those for FP and the others for full PTs?
It's hosted ... also happens to be the professor behind our [Constitutional Law Explained](https ... 'll get to take law classes with [Duke Law professors](https://law.duke.edu ...