... have to post on the discussion forum. Whyis answer choice E correct ... that it is not some alternative cause that's causing the higher viral ... death rate in the ...
... as the right answer. Can someone explain to me whyis ... it D?
**Admin Note: For the ... Discussion Title, please use the format: "PT#.S ... brief description of the question." This way, the community can better ...
... />
In the comments section there was some confusion about whythe "some are not ... where some (myself included) may have become confused. The important distinction is that the ... new set of 0 to 99 items is ...
... explain to me whythe lower bound for ‘some’ is 1 and not ... within the set?
For example, the sentence ‘some unicorns ... that are fluffy. Same with the ‘some’ mice living in my ... that there are 'some' mice in the house, or 'some' unicorns that ...
... to understand why that isthe case. Is it because E is basically destroying the evidence ... , this would dismantle the conclusion right? The conclusion is saying that dogs **almost ... . If answer choice E isthe case, then the conclusion falls apart.
... and narrow it down to the least pile of sh!t ... . It's like the test writers are abusing the word "most weakens ... answers, choose the least horrible."
Now why would an answer ... as a weakner? Is this some new strategy we're to ...
... of an action isthe intended outcome of the action and not ... why I need to be able to decipher what the choice is ... the mindset I should have towards questions like these. These are some ... of the more difficult type LR questions (174 was the cap on the ...
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I am confused as to whythe answer is A and not C ... the conclusion:
"But this cannot be so, for unless some uses ... words." isthe first part:
"for unless some uses of words ... . For LR questions, please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - ...
... :
> Hi! The reason why A is wrong is due to a mistaken ... ;
> its actually a bi conditional if we chain up ... from thesomearrow all the way back to the study of natural processes. This is ...
... experienced an oddity.....my timing is deplorable.....
For prior PTs ... each LR section when time is called.....but for my 3 ... the 30 minute mark I am only on question 15.... whyis this ... -read, then re-read again, the stimulus before going to ...
... (Note: the way I diagram for these is using broad ... A-->B,etc since the ... the form of the logic is): The stimulus says that:
-some ...
But my diagram is wrong for:
because halogen ... AC
... the author says, usually near the start of the paragraph. I call these the "some ... a "some people say" stimulus is a simple negation of the "some people say ... , since the "thesis" of the stimulus isthe conclusion and the "some people say" text isthe logical ...
... own before looking at the answers but whyis it helpful in general ... while my actual score is in the 150s. BR is not an accurate ... view of what you can accomplish on the ... LSAT is it?
... commented in the past about what I call the "some people say ... 71, and have found that the "some people say" formula appears ... and accurately determined by taking the "some people say" text and ... you--the next sentence after a "some people say" formula is often ...
... can see why this AC may be tempting to some people. It ... 's by no mistake that it is placed ... believe in BR) isthe correct answer. This is tempting because it says ... logging and WOOD PROCESSING. So whyisthe amount of wood being taken ...
I'm taking the Feb 2018 LSAT. Whyisthe Feb test so dreaded? Just ... report the score? Is that paranoia or is there some evidence that it is harder ... ? Also, who takes the Feb ...
I'm taking the Feb 2018 LSAT. Whyisthe Feb test so dreaded? Just ... report the score? Is that paranoia or is there some evidence that it is harder ... ? Also, who takes the Feb ...
When isthe point where we have pushed ... it? I hear some people say that 175ish isthe last milestone of ... the test that you can ... luck of the draw on specific q's, so is this where ...
In a rule like "Either J or K are selected, but not both are selected" in an In Out Game, whyis it represented as Jnot K and not J double not arrow K?? Wouldnt J double not arrow K mean that both are not selected?
... = Most Truthful. Why are the two concepts equivalent ... say “The best art isthe most realistic.” Whyisthe equal sign ... used in the diagram ... , instead of a conditional arrow ...